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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) empowers learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty, and inequality.

Learning must prepare students and learners of all ages to find solutions for the challenges of today and the future. Education should be transformative and allow us to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change our societies and care for the planet.

Education for Sustainable Development is recognized as an integral element of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on quality education

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Click the book image above to download the (UNESCO Learn for our Planet Book)

It is no secret: The way we live is not sustainable. Our planet is facing multiple interconnected crises caused by human behavior. We are depleting the planet’s resources. Climate change is affecting us and all species, damaging ecosystems and leading to unprecedented environmental degradation. 2020 was the hottest year on record. One million species are at risk of extinction. The long, alarming list goes on. If we continue to live the way we do today, we will need the resources of three earths by 2050.

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Click the book image above to download your copy of UNESCO Trash Hack Action Learning for Sustainable Development


Thousands of Trash Hackers across the world connected to watch the webinar launch of UNESCO's Trash Hack campaign for schools and share their own innovative ideas to reduce waste.

Each year 2.01 billion tonnes of waste are generated globally with devastating effects on water, air, biodiversity and ecosystems, and the climate. Trash Hacks are small steps everyone can make to bring about bigger, lasting changes in waste reduction and achieve the goals of the 2030 Education for Sustainable Development Agenda.

UNESCO's campaign showcases its teachers' guide, Trash Hack: Action learning for sustainable development which aims to spark learning, action, sharing, and celebration of students' successes and can be easily followed in a school or home environment. Schools are able to produce their own creative Trash Hacks to be shared with the world on the website. 

The campaign draws on the power of schools working together to take action and offers a guide to help teachers best present students with fresh facts and statistics on waste, and easy and cheap Trash Hacking activities adaptable for all ages and regional contexts.

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Click the book image above to download your copy of Education for SDG (Learning Objectives)


This publication is designed as a guide for education professionals on the use of ESD in learning for the SDGs, and consequently to contribute to achieving the SDGs. The guide identifies indicative learning objectives and suggests topics and learning activities for each SDG. It also presents implementation methods at different levels, from course design to national strategies.

The guide does not aim to be prescriptive in any way but to provide guidance and suggestions that educators can select and adapt to fit concrete learning contexts

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His Serene Highness Prince Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna,
A Sovereign Prince and Sovereign Free Equitable Being

(By the Grace of God and by the Mandate of Heaven) 

A Head of State & is the State Diplomatic Consul of/for the

Kingdom of God/its Sovereign Principality

(In the Rule According to Higher Law)

An Intended; New World Harmony/United Nation of Humanity 

See - (A Sovereign State's Member Application Request to UN Sec-Gen)


HSH. Prince. Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna

Self-Owned Man - A Head of Government

(Exercising his Human Rights, and Sovereign Immunity)

On a mission of love, peace and prosperity for all civilized humanity.

Works with/at United Nations Advocacy, (Founder/Director),

In Advocacy of the United Nations/for 1 United Nation of Humanity.

(UN Advocacy Member/Advocate - Get Involved? Register Here!)

(UN Advocacy - God's Angels' Donation Program - Get Involved?)


HSH Prince Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna is wholeheartedly intending for a legal ratification;

Universal, Unified, Supranational, Sustainable & Peaceful World State, Its World Government, (Be soon the reality on Earth), 

With Universal Basic Income for all its Citizens and with an Earth Citizen's Passport for all its Citizens. (Get Involved? ; Free Registration!)

Currently ; Prince Muhammad Jesues Chrishna is a

UN Foundation Community - Advocate, Activist & Fundraiser.

UN Foundation Community - find out more about

who we arewhat we do and why we do it.


HSH Prince Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna has a Ph.D,
Was a renown Professor on Civic Knowledge and Political Prediction,

He was also Certified in Global Diplomacy by University of London and SOAS University: with a verifiable 100% Grade pass on ;

Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World.
He is also Certified in The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN by University of Copenhagen: with a verifiable 96.33% Grade pass on the SDG's -  A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future.
He has also been a respected peer for 19 international students in the area of both; Global Diplomacy and Sustainable Development Goals.


HSH Prince Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna is  citizen of the Universal State of Earth, U S E Passport holder, a board member of the Supreme Council of Humanity Committee of Experts, U S E Goodwill Ambassador and Consul Officer
He is the President of the International Action Art Department of Indonesia, as well as being an Ambassador for Princonser


He also supports the art project of the Antarctica World Passport


His Serene Highness's other personal website is The Universal Prince

whereby he is also the C.E.O of the Heavenly Peacock Products Brand & owns his own luxury brand unisex perfume The Secret Scent

 Last but not least, he is the owner of 

Heavenly Garden's Company Organization


Tel/WA Business Numbers :

Tel +62-89676943354

WA +62-896-7694-3354​

Email :


"I am not a citizen of Athens, or Greece, I am a citizen of the World"



"As a citizen of Germany, I saw how excessive nationalism can spread like a disease. To combat this disease, we have to eliminate nationalistic sentiments, first by instituting an international government with sovereignty over all other states" A Einstein


"To fully enter a new paradigm, eventually one must completely withdraw from the old one"

J F Kennedy 


"Peace, be upon you, All is from origin - ALL!, cure the disease with love, as love is, love always will be, love is Eternity"
Prince Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna


*May peace prevail on Earth!,

HSH. Prince. Muhammad Jeseus Chrishna also supports the mission of


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